PMM Team

PMM Team Apk v136 [Latest Version] Free for Android

4.3 v136 37MB
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Now it’s time to show something special to our users. So, do not miss anything in this article. Today I am going to share a special thing regarding the Garena Free Fire. If you are the player in that battle then stay with us. You can use PMM Team to inject the Free Fire battle according to your choice. This injected tool has too many features that you can able to use after downloading and installing it on your Android mobile phone. All these things are very helpful for the battle that help the gamers to win the battle. Because you are injecting the battle Free Fire.

We know that you are the lover of the Free Fire and are not able to win a single battle. Because of the pro players. So, do not worry about any things because all the latest items are now available in PMM Team. It means that you can use any type of feature according to your needs. The question is that what are the Pro players? Now I will describe that so read carefully. The pro gamers are the players that have the skill to kill anyone in a few seconds. Because they have paly the FF battle too many times so they have got skills to kill their opponent. So, you are nothing in front of them.

To kill them or defeat them is not too easy. So that is why the developer had got something new for you. The PMM Team has the ability to kill the pro players. Because it is a third-party app that will be the rain of gold. What are you waiting for download this cheat full and inject the game. Now, this tool is going to be the best selection for your game.

Features of PMM Team:

You know that the big crowd of gamers in Free Fire is ready to defeat their enemy. Those players have too much experience than you because you are new in the battle. There are different types of players in the battle some of them are pros and bots and some of them are noobs. You can kill the bots very easily. To defeat humans is a big challenge for you. Because may they have more skill and enough skill than you. So, that is why be aware of all those things that can help you in the game. There is only one option which is this file.

PMM Team Cheat Menu:

  • Autobot
  • Auto Aimlock
  • Aim when Fire
  • Aim when Crouch
  • Aimbot Fov
  • Movement Aim
  • ESP Fire Line
  • ESP Ant Line
  • Distance

More Menu:

  • Auto Headshot
  • Safe Headshot
  • Draw Crass Hair
  • Crosshair Size
  • Sensitivity
  • Fake Username
  • Delete Reports
  • Remove Scop v3
  • medkit running
  • Rapid Punch 5x
  • Fly Weapon
  • Shoot While Swim
  • Far Camera View
  • Not Root and Root
  • Anti-bad system
  • More features are coming soon.


To use this file you have to use a password to open the file. Because the developer had made a rule for the users. If you download and install this cheat full app you have the password to open it. Without it, you will not be able to open the file on your Android phone.


Now no one can stop you to get the skills and power. So to get them just download PMM Team from our site. It is designed by one of the best developers which had added lots of features for you. Get all of them because all the cheats are free of cost. Here is a similar app that you can use from our site. The file is known as Bad Team which has quite the best and latest premium items. So, both files are the same and both are functions. You can only use them on your Android device. Share it with your friends and family to enjoy the battle together.